Truth through proof

(A subtle reference to P. Andrews logic textbook)

The words "proof" and "evidence" carry importance beyond the realm of formalized mathematics.

We want to make reasoning explicit - but:

  • not all reasoning is certain, deductive.
  • data may be unavailable, not trustworthy
  • humans matter (we have a responsibility toward each other)

Having explicit rules means that definitions (vocabulary) and invariants. This means:

  • it is easier to know which data we do have
  • it is easier to automate certain, deductive reasoning

There will be always be judgment calls, and the need for human control and responsibility.

The more successful applications of AI will there not replace humans, but augment human work and decision making.

Augmenting the LLM

I believe (but cannot prove) that it will be much easier to enhance prompts with precise, accurate facts obtained from logic programming rather than doing detours through training, fine-tuning.

Rather than have AI solve Codd's "parts explosion" problem, it seems much easier to compute all the parts from our catalog and feed the result to the model and be done.

Mangle and datalog-based languages let us write that logic concisely and in a way that can be tested.

It will be interesting to see how logical inference and ML model inference can be alternated.

func TestTransformPartsExplosion(t *testing.T) {
	store := factstore.NewSimpleInMemoryStore()
	program := []ast.Clause{
		// The 'component(Subpart, Part, Quantity)' relation expresses that
		//    <Quantity> units of <SubPart> go directly into one unit of <Part>.
		clause(`component(1, 5, 9).`),
		clause(`component(2, 5, 7).`),
		clause(`component(3, 5, 2).`),
		clause(`component(2, 6, 12).`),
		clause(`component(3, 6, 3).`),
		clause(`component(4, 7, 1).`),
		clause(`component(6, 7, 1).`),
		// The `transitive(DescPart, Part, Quantity, Path)` relation
		// expresses that <Quantity> units of <DescPart> go overall into one
		// unit of <Part> along a dependency path <Path>
		clause(`transitive(DescPart, Part, Quantity, []) :- component(DescPart, Part, Quantity).`),
		clause(`transitive(DescPart, Part, Quantity, Path) :-
		  component(SubPart, Part, DirectQuantity),
		  transitive(DescPart, SubPart, DescQuantity, SubPath)
      |> let Quantity = fn:mult(DirectQuantity, DescQuantity),
	       let Path = fn:list:cons(SubPart, SubPath).`),
		// The `full(DescPart, Part, Quantity) relation expresses that <Quantity>
		// units of <DescPart> go overall into one unit of <Part>.
		clause(`full(DescPart, Part, Sum) :-
		  transitive(DescPart, Part, Quantity, Path)
      |> do fn:group_by(DescPart, Part), let Sum = fn:sum(Quantity).`),
	if err := analyzeAndEvalProgram(t, program, store); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Program evaluation failed %v program %v", err, program)
	transitiveAtom, err := functional.EvalAtom(atom("transitive(2,7,12,[6])"), ast.ConstSubstList{})
	if err != nil {
	expected := []ast.Atom{

	for _, fact := range expected {
		if !store.Contains(fact) {
			t.Errorf("expected fact %v in store %v", fact, store)

Other examples / ideas:

  • - semantic indexing of source code (a graph).
    • distinguish between definition and use